Design director & Digital designer

Sleep Cycle Kids

Sleep Cycle Kids is centered around an intelligent sleep schedule that adapts to each individual child and  gives parents the tools to determine the optimal bedtime, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and identify and change other behaviors that can be problematic for children’s sleep.

An estimated 140 million babies are being born each year, and in Western societies, about 20% of parents say their infant has a 'sleep problem'.

Sleep Cycle Kids helps parents feel confident in their parenting as it educates and guides them through information that enhances their understanding of infant sleep and prepares them for implementing a range of sleep solutions - all backed by scientific studies. By accompanying the family over time, Sleep Cycle Kids will help maintain healthy sleep habits and have a positive impact on sleep, health and mood for both children and their parents.
Sleep Cycle Kids has been developed in consultation with Sleep Cycle's leading engineers and sleep experts Li Åslund, clinical psychologist and Ph.D., and Mike Gradisar, clinical psychologist,  Ph.D. and Head of Sleep Science at Sleep Cycle, whose own infant sleep research has featured in the New York Times, BBC, Forbes and Reuters, and who is on the Advisory Board of the Pediatric Sleep Council.

Case will be updated with more shortly.
